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VBS 2022 “Under the Sea”

Ms. Joan explains how we will be exploring the bottom of the sea during our VBS.
This will be Little John’s first VBS and we want to share a great time with our new friend.
Ms. Charlene will be helping us make, “Under the Sea Creatures.
Pastor Greg always enjoys playing outside games with the children!
Olivia and her friend, Eveie plays, “Under the slide” sandbox together!
Craft fun is always a blast with friends!
Ms. Joan teaches a bible lesson with Jonah.
Ford enjoys painting sea creatures that Ms. Sherry painted for us.!
Everyone loved the pool noodle sea Crab!
It was amazing to see all the live sea creatures on the “Under the Sea Live Wall” that Ms. Crystall projected for us.
Oh yes, Ms.Joan enjoyed the water balloon fun!
We put together Jonah and the Whale Plaques and Fuzzy Sea Creatures!
We ended our Under the Sea adventure with a treasure hunt and filled our treasure bags with a lot of treasures including the Holy Bible of God!

Water Games!
Treasure Hunt Under the Sea

Jonah and the Whale Bible Story

The Big Fish!